Donald McGill 1940sユーモアポストカードデザインマグ - タッチつま先【楽天海外直送】 - Donald McGill 1940s Humour Postcard Design Mug - Touch Toes
Donald McGill 1940s Humour Postcard Design Mug - Touch ToesThe "Ace of Cards" Donald McGill created artworks for over 12,000 comic cards. His distinctive designs encompass a huge range of topics & human foibles, all cleverly depicted with good humour, affection and obvious artistic talent! In the 1950s Donald experienced trials and tribulations because some of his double ententre cards were deemed unsuitable for the public, despite depicting innocent images & tesxt. In 1954 Donald was prosecuted and many of his cards were banned & destroyed. There is now a museum which pays homage to Donald & his work - 11 x 11 x 10 centimetres (0.38 kg)------------------------------------ 当店は、アメリカ カリフォルニアを本店とする海外ショップです。
「伝票番号の追跡サイトへの反映には10日程度かかります」 当店のカード決済代行会社は Rakuten Commerce LLC です。